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Diamond TRDG 511 Automatic Electronic Tourniquet Single Cuff
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The CUFF PRESSURE is maintained to set value automatically during the operation period. 30thSTART DELAY and DURATION can be changed during the operation (before its individual execution) Built...
Diamond Electronic Tourniquet Automatic for Single Cuff Operation TRDG501
Cuff Pressure : 20 to 500 mmHg Start Delay : 0 to 120 minutes Duration : 0 to 250 minutes Inflation : Motorised pump Deflation : EMV Automatic or Manual...
Diamond Automatic Electronic Tourniquet Dual Cuff : TRDG 503
Fully Automatic to perform double cuff procedure as well as IVRA (Bier’s Block) procedure. Two independent channel operation.Parameter settings are independent of each other Can be operated with one dual...