Things to Know About Home Sleep Testing Devices
Posted by Milu Balan on

Sleep is reduced mental and physical activity followed by dynamic changes in the body and consciousness. It comprises different phases, and as you move through them, your breathing, blood pressure and body temperature drop and rise. The muscle tension usually stays the same as when you are awake - except during the REM phases, representing up to a quarter of your sleep. During these, most major muscle groups decrease significantly. But if the throat muscles relax too much, the airways collapse and become blocked, resulting in obstructive sleep apnea. Your air supply gets constantly disrupted due to sleep apnea, which...
Know about Endoscopy and its procedure and risk
Posted by Tentabs Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd on

Endoscopy is the insertion of a long, thin tube into the body for a thorough examination of an internal organ or tissue. Certain functions, including scanning and minor surgery, can also be used. Endoscopes are minimally invasive and can be placed in openings such as the mouth or anus in the body. HOW DOES ENDOSCOPY WORKS? For example in the knee or abdomen, they can be inserted into small incisions. Small incision surgery with special instruments such as the endoscope is also called keyhole surgery. Since modern endoscopy offers relatively low risk, provides detailed pictures and operates Quickly, it has...
- Tags: Endoscope machine, Endoscope preparation, Endoscope result, Endoscopy, Endoscopy Procedure, Endoscopy risks, Endoscopy stomach, Endoscopy surgery
Some Tips to Clean the Cpap Machine
Posted by Tentabs Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd on

When you use your CPAP night after night, you introduce it into your breath, the dead skin cells on your face and the oils in your hair. Germs, grease, and oils can start to circulate in the machine and grow mold or bacteria. Your CPAP Machine will also pick up dust, allergens, and germs from the surrounding area and can introduce them into your lungs. This could facilitate the attack of an infection such as sinusitis, pneumonia, sore throat or other diseases. Irritation or nasal and ocular infections may also occur.If you have a CPAP device with a humidifier or...
An Overview: What is Sleep Apnea?
Posted by Tentabs Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd on
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts while sleeping. These sleep apnea causes can happen 30 times or more in an hour and range anywhere from a few seconds to minutes, disrupting the person's night's sleep. One way to look out for sleep apnea symptoms is if you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's sleep. In this blog, we will explore sleep apnea, its symptoms, the different types of sleep apnea, and more. 3 Main Types Of Sleep Apnea Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea is one of...